The Importance of Establishing

Agile Project Management Manifesto

Omar Msaddi
SAFe Agile Coach | I help Scrum Masters secure their first 6-figure job


Agile is a project management approach that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. It was originally developed for software development but has since been adopted across various industries due to its effectiveness in managing complex projects. Agile methodologies focus on delivering value to customers by breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks and continuously adapting to changing requirements.

How does Agile work in project management?

Agile project management involves a set of principles and practices that guide the project lifecycle. Here are the key aspects of Agile in project management:

Iterative Development

Agile projects are divided into short iterations that are called “sprints.” Each sprint typically lasts from one to four weeks, during which a specific set of tasks or features is completed. At the end of each sprint, a working product increment is delivered.

Collaboration and Communication

Agile emphasizes cross-functional teamwork and regular collaboration between team members. Daily stand-up meetings are held to provide updates on progress, discuss challenges, and align efforts. Communication is transparent and continuous throughout the project, enabling quick decision-making and issue resolution.

Continuous Improvement

Agile projects focus on continuous learning and improvement. Retrospectives are conducted at the end of each sprint to reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and how to enhance future iterations. Feedback loops are incorporated to gather insights from stakeholders, ensuring that the project stays aligned with customer needs.

Adaptive Planning

Agile embraces change and encourages adaptability. Rather than rigidly following a predefined plan, Agile project management allows for flexibility in adjusting priorities, requirements, and project scope as new information emerges. This enables teams to respond rapidly to feedback and evolving market conditions

The 4 Core Principles of Running an Agile Project

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

Agile places a strong emphasis on the value of human interactions and effective communication. While tools and processes are important, the primary focus is on fostering collaboration, trust, and open communication among team members.

Working Software (or Deliverables) over Comprehensive Documentation

Agile prioritizes delivering a working product increment at the end of each sprint rather than spending excessive time on extensive documentation. The goal is to provide tangible value to customers early on and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Agile encourages close collaboration with customers throughout the project. By involving customers in decision-making and incorporating their feedback, Agile teams ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

Responding to Change over Following a Plan

Agile projects acknowledge that change is inevitable and prioritize adaptability. Agile teams embrace changing requirements and leverage feedback to make adjustments to their plans, enabling them to deliver the best possible outcome.

Core Components of Scrum


Sprints are time-boxed iterations during which a set of prioritized tasks or features is completed. The duration of sprints is typically short, ranging from one to four weeks.

Daily Stand-ups

These brief meetings are held at the start of each day, allowing team members to provide updates on their progress, discuss any obstacles or dependencies, and align their efforts. The focus is on quick coordination and issue resolution.

Product Backlog

The product backlog is a prioritized list of tasks, features, or user stories that need to be addressed during the project. It serves as the central source of work items for the team and is continually refined and reprioritized based on project needs.

User Stories

User stories are concise descriptions of a feature or functionality from the perspective of the end user. They capture the “who,” “what,” and “why” of a requirement, facilitating effective communication and understanding between team members and stakeholders.


Retrospectives are regular meetings held at the end of each sprint to reflect on the team’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and devise strategies for enhancing future iterations. It promotes a culture of continuous learning and process refinement.

Agile project management methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, provide specific frameworks and additional components tailored to different project contexts. However, the principles and core components mentioned above form the foundation of Agile project management, enabling teams to achieve greater flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability in their work.